PODO 208

Level 7 _ Episode 36 DoorDash CEO Tony Xu

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With DoorDash CEO Tony XuTONY XU 토니 쉬 도어대시 CEO햄버거도 사치였다는 그...배달시장 1위 먹고 억만장자 되다 VOCA1. peak 정상, 최고의, 피크You can wait as long as 2 hours during peak times. 2. base pay 기본급My base pay is about $500 a week but it much lower than affer paying taxes. 3. course sorrect 경로를 바꾸다We quickly realized that we were doing wasn't effective and decided to course correct. 4.hangry 배고파서 ..

PODO/수업 2025.02.03

Level 7 _ Episode 35 The Scientist Behind Tomorrow's Flying Car

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With the Scientist Behind Tomorrow's Flying CarSEBASTIAN THRUN 세바스찬 스런 키티호크 CEO플라잉 택시로 교통 혁명 꿈꿔...실패했지만 값진 시도 VOCA1. free 풀어주다, 해방시키다The new legislation will free millions of people from debt. 2. exempt 면제된Women are exempt from military service. 3. ride-hailing sercice 공유택시 서비스Kakao Taxi is biggest ride-hailing sevice in Korea. 4. sharing economy 공유 경제The sharing econo..

PODO/수업 2025.02.02

Level 7 _ Episode 34 The First Female Space Tourist

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With the First Female Space TouristANOUSHEH ANSARI 아누셰 안사리 엑스프라이즈 재단 이사장세계 최초 여성 우주관광객...지구 문제 해결에 나서다 VOCA1. persistent 끈기 있는, 지속하는She is very persistent and refuses to accept anything that will stop her from achieving her golas. 2. tad 조금, 약간The food was a tad greasy for me. 3. humanity 인류Climate change is the biggest problem facing humanity. 4. commercialize ~을 상업화하..

PODO/수업 2025.02.01

Level 7 _ Episode 33 VSCO CEO Joel Flory

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With VSCO CEO Joel FloryJOEL FLORY 조엘 플로기(Joel Flory) VSCO CEO'좋아요', 팔로워 얻으려 가짜 삶 살지 말라...사진앱 차별화 VOCA1. validaion 인정, 검증It is sad that so many people use social media just for receiving validation. 2. stand for 의미하다, 나타내다Did you know that FOMO stands for fear of missing out? 3. Gen Z Z세대A recent report stated that Gen Z are the biggest users of social media apps. 4. p..

PODO/수업 2025.01.31

Level 7 _ Episode 32 YouTube Star Mark Rober

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With YouTube Star Mark RoberMARK ROBER 마크 로보(Mark Rober) 유튜버'악마의 코끼리 치약' 실험 주역...NASA출신 2000만 팬 확보 VOCA1. NDA(non-disclosure agreement) 비밀유지계약, 기밀유지협약The product designer was forced to sign an NDA when he started working for Samsung. 2. implant 이식하다, 심다One day people will be able to implant a chip into their heads that allows them to communicate electronically. 3. rebe..

PODO/수업 2025.01.30

Level 7 _ Episode 31 FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With FCC Chairman Ajit PaiAJIT PAI 아지트 파이(Ajit Pai)FCC(미국 연방통신위원회) 전 위원장망 중립성 반대 주역..임기 중 중국 기업 제재에도 앞장 VOCA1. roboclal 자동 스팸 전화I get about 5 robocalls a day. 2. bombard (질문 등으로) 공격하다, 퍼붓다The students bombarded their teacher with questions. 3. carrier 통신사SK Telecomm is the largest carrier in South Korea. 4. spoofed 사기 치는, 속이는An app developed by a victim of spoofed call..

PODO/수업 2025.01.29

Level 7 _ Episode 30 Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Facebook CTO Mike SchroepferMIKE SCHROEPFERCTO, FACEBOOK 마이트 슈뢰퍼 페이스북(메타) 전 최고기술책임자(CTO)지금의 페북 이끈 CTO...소셜미디어의 사회적 책임에 주목 VOCA1. hurdle 난관, 어려움What;s been your biggest hurdle since moving here? 2. unimpeachable 의심할 바 없는, 나무랄 데 없는, 신뢰할 수 있는The judge has an unimpeachable character. 3. mindset 마음가짐, 태도If you approach every problem with a relaced mindset, there's less..

PODO/수업 2025.01.28

Level 7 _ Episode 29 Twitter Executive Battling Trolls

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Twitter Executive Battling TrollsVIJAYA  GADDE 비자야 가디(Vijaya Gadde)트위터 최고 법률정책 책임자가짜뉴스에 적극 대응...머스크, 트럼프 불만 유발했다는 평가도 VOCA1. character 문자, 성격, 인물Please describe yourself in 500 characters or less. 2. comply 지키다, 응하다The compliance department makes sure that we comply with all applicable legislation. 3. civil society (정부의 통제를 받지 않는) 시민 사회An instable economy disrupts..

PODO/수업 2025.01.27

Level 7 _ Episode 28 Rebecca Minkoff

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Rebecca MinkoffREBECCA MINKOFFCREATIVE DIRECTOR & CO-FOUNDER, REBECCA MINKOFF 레베카 밍코프(Rebecca Minkoff)동명 브랜드 설립자, 최고 크리에이티브 디렉터'I Love New York'티셔츠 공전의 히트...소셜미디어로 패션마케팅 선도 VOCA1. literally 글자 뜻대로, 말 그대로There were literally hundreds of people waiting outside the store at 7 zm. 2. take off 성공하다, 뜻대로 이루다, 이륙하다We never ecpected that the product would take off as quic..

PODO/수업 2025.01.26

Level 7 _ Episode 27 Etsy CEO Josh Silverman

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Etsy CEO Josh SilvermanJOSH SILVERMANCEO, ETSY 조시 실버만 엣시(Etsy) CEO팬데믹 때 오히려 강했다...골드만삭스 추천주로 눈길 VOCA1. quirky 별난, 독특한He has a really quirky sense humor. 2. commoditized 상품화한Most commoditized products are things that everyone needs. 3. disposable 일회용I am trying do cut down on the amount of disposable products I buy. 4. base expectation 기본 기대치What are your base expe..

PODO/수업 2025.01.25