Level 7 _ Episode 33 VSCO CEO Joel Flory

suna2 2025. 1. 31. 12:25

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With VSCO CEO Joel Flory

조엘 플로기(Joel Flory) VSCO CEO
'좋아요', 팔로워 얻으려 가짜 삶 살지 말라...
사진앱 차별화
1. validaion 인정, 검증
It is sad that so many people use social media just for receiving validation.
2. stand for 의미하다, 나타내다
Did you know that FOMO stands for fear of missing out?
3. Gen Z Z세대
A recent report stated that Gen Z are the biggest users of social media apps.
4. proprietary technolohgy 전매 기술, 독점 기술
The company uses its proprietary technology to make the world's thinnest television screen.
5. oversized 오버사이즈의, 특대의
She loves wearing oversized shirts.
6. incorporate 포함하다, 결합하다.
The lastest smartphone incoporates several new features.
7. keynote (연설, 계획등의) 요지, 기조연설
The CEO gave a keynote about the latest product.
+ follow suit
남이 하는 것을 똑같이 따라 한다. 라는 뜻이다. 선례를 따른다는 의미가 있기도 하다.
+ as of late
최근에라는 말은 lately, recently 말고도 as of late라고도 쓸 수 있다.
+ north of
~이상, 넘어선 이라는 뜻이 있다.
We reached north of two million last year.
우리는 작년에 200만명을 넘었다.
매출액이나 소비와 관련해서 north of를 쓰기도 하고 사람이 많은 경우에도 사용한다. 
There was north of 5,000 people in attendance at the concert.
콘서트에 5천 명이 넘는 사람들이 참석했다.

Discussion Questions
1. Do you take a lot of photos on your phone? What do you take pictures of?
2. After taking pictures, do you edit them or keep them natural?
3. Why do people take photos? Documentation, artistic expression, personal memories, show off on social media etc.
4. Does the purpose of the photo change how you would take a photo? In what way?
5. How has the evolution of camera technology, including smartphones, impacted the way people approach photography?
6. Do you have a camera to take photos, or just use your phone? Why?
7. Do you believe that having high-end camera gear is essential for taking great photos, or is creativity more important?
8. Do you ever print any physical photos or is everyone online? Why?
9. In what ways do you see photography evolving in the future, considering advancements in technology and societal norms?
10. How might new technologies, such as augmented reality or virtual reality, impact the way we experience and share photographs?
