Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Levi's CEO and His Connected JacketChip BerghCEO, Levi Strauss 칩 버그(Chip Bergh)리바이스 CEO과거 집착 않고 명품 인수도 불사, 매출 100억불 달성 목표 VOCA1. give away (소문, 정보 등을) 누설하다, 드러나다What gave it away? 어, 뭘 보고 아셨지? 2. tap 가볍게 톡톡 두드리는 행위Could you give him a tap on the shoulder and ask him to trun off his music? 3. sleeve 소매I tore my sleeve on a loose nail on the wall. 4. conductive [kuh..