Title: WSJ In the Elevator With DoorDash CEO Tony Xu
토니 쉬 도어대시 CEO
햄버거도 사치였다는 그...
배달시장 1위 먹고 억만장자 되다
1. peak 정상, 최고의, 피크
You can wait as long as 2 hours during peak times.
2. base pay 기본급
My base pay is about $500 a week but it much lower than affer paying taxes.
3. course sorrect 경로를 바꾸다
We quickly realized that we were doing wasn't effective and decided to course correct.
4.hangry 배고파서 화나는
She hadn't eaten all day and was beginning to feel hangry.
5. automated 자동화된, 자동의
How far away are we from automated food delivery?
6. contractor 계약인, 도급업자
Food delivery companies rely on independent contractors.
7. gig economy 각 이코노미(서비스 업계에서 프리랜서를 활용하는 경제 활동)
Workers in the gig economy are being exploited every day.
8. side hustle 부업
This is a side hustle for them.
+ go-to
"Go-to restaurant", " go-to food", "go-to person"처럼 형용사로 쓰이기도 하고 명사로 "that os my go-to"로 쓰이기도 한다.
Go-to는 즐겨 찾는, 기댈 수 있는이라는 의미로 대화랄 때 사주 활용되기도 한다.
You are my go-to person.
너는 내가 기댈 수 있는 사람이야.
+ in seriousness
진지하게, 진정으로 라는 뜻. seriously보다는 가볍게 덜 진지하다는 뉘앙스를 담아 쓰인다. 농담하고 in seriousness를 많이 쓴다.
It's good to joke it, but, in seriousness, it is something we need to consider more.
농담하는 건 좋아요. 그렇지만 진지하게 좀 더 고려해 봐야겠어요.
Discussion Questions
1. How often do you use food delivery apps or services?
2. Is there a certain type of food that you usually order? Why?
3. When using food delivery services, what is the most important aspect, food quality, convenience or speed of delivery?
4. How has the food delivery market evolved in recent years, and what factors have contributed to its growth?
5. What role do customer preferences and behaviors play in shaping the food delivery market?
6. How has technology, including mobile apps and Al, transformed the food delivery industry?
7. What are the potential future innovations that could further enhance the food delivery experience for both customers and restaurants?
8. How do you see the competitive landscape among different food delivery platforms, and what
strategies are they employing to gain a competitive edge?
9. What challenges and benefits do restaurants face when joining multiple food delivery services?
10. How could food delivery services adapt their strategies for international markets, considering
cultural differences and local preferences?
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