Level 7 _ Episode 28 Rebecca Minkoff

suna2 2025. 1. 26. 12:27

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Rebecca Minkoff

레베카 밍코프(Rebecca Minkoff)
동명 브랜드 설립자, 
최고 크리에이티브 디렉터
'I Love New York'티셔츠 공전의 히트...
소셜미디어로 패션마케팅 선도
1. literally 글자 뜻대로, 말 그대로
There were literally hundreds of people waiting outside the store at 7 zm.
2. take off 성공하다, 뜻대로 이루다, 이륙하다
We never ecpected that the product would take off as quickly as it did.
3. phenomenal 놀랄 만한, 굉장한
Her sales performance has been absolutely phenomenal this last quarter.
4. striking 특출 난, 놀랄만한
The most striking feature of the house is the glass elevator.
5. empowerment 권한 부여, 힘을 갖는 것
The charity focuses on the empowerment of women.
6. no-brainer 식은 죽, 쉬운 것
Taking the job offer was a complete no-brainer.
7. crossbody (bag) 크로스백
I bought a crossbody from the department store.
8. fanny pack 힙색, 웨이스트백
I usually only wear a fanny pack when I am on vacation.
9. twofer 한 개의 요금으로 두 개를 살 수 있는 것
Having our wedding abroad was a twofer.
10. lame 서투른, 어리석은
Why are all your friends so lame?
11. collective 공동 사업체, 집단
Collectives can be appealing because they reduce risk.
12. organic 화학 비료(약품)을 쓰지 않는
The farmer uses organic fertilizer on their crops.
Discussion Questions
1. How has social media changed the way we buy things?
2. How do you feel about buying things directly through social media, like on Instagram?
3. How powerful do you think influencer's are at selling products through their social media following? Why do you think this?
4. Do you think a brand's values, like female empowerment, influence your shopping choices? Why or why not?
5. What's your favorite style of bag, and why? Is style of functionality more important to you?
6. In your opinion, what challenges and benefits can come from working with family?
7. Where do you find inspiration for your personal style or fashion choices?
8. Can fashion choices be a form of self-expression? How?
9. Share your thoughts on the idea of a fashion item representing a cause. Do you think it can make a difference?
10. How do you think technological advancements could change fashion and shopping?
