
PODO/수업 57

Level 6 _ Episode 13 Amazon Alexa Head Dave Limp

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Amazon Alexa Head Dave LimpDAVE LIMPSVP OF DEVICES AND ALEXA, AMAZON 데이브 림프(Dave Limp) 아마존 장치서비스 담당 수석 부사장BMW서 알렉사 쓰는 시대... 새로운 일상 만드는 게임체인저 VOCA1. prioritie [prahy-AWR-i-tahyz] 우선순위를 매기다The company prioritized profits over the employees' safety. 2. heavy (양, 정도가) 심한, 많은She has a heavy workload to complaete by the end of the week. 3. odds (어떤 일이 있을) 가능성What are th..

PODO/수업 2025.01.11

Level 5 _ Episode 12 Steve Ballmer

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Steve BallmerSTEVE BALLMERFORMER MICROSOFT CEOLA CLIPPERS OWER 스티브 발머전 마이크로소프트 대표MS왕국 만든 2인자,NBA 구단 소유로 제2인생 VOCA1. acccomplishment 업적What was your greatest accomplishment at the company? 2. staffing 직원 채용The company went through huge staffing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. 3. numb 무감각해지다He numbed himself to all the criticisms he received from his fathe..

PODO/수업 2025.01.10

Level 5 _ Episode 11 HQ Trivia's Host

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With HQ Trivia's HostSCOTT ROGOWSKYHOST, HQ TRIVIA 스코트 로고우스키'HQ 트리비아(퀴즈쇼)' 진행자밤 9시면 퀴즈 풀려 230만 동시접속,심장 쫄깃 진행으로 명성 VOCA1. real life 현실에서, 실제로You're way bigger in real life. 2. get sth right 맞히다If you get all 12 right. 3. cheat 부정행위를 저지르다, 커닝하다.How do you make sure people don't cheat? 4. adept 능숙한He is very adept at making birthday cakes. 5. minus ~를 뺀Can I order a chees..

PODO/수업 2025.01.09

Level 5 _ Episode 10 James Dyson

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With James DysonJames DysonFounder, Dyson 제임스 다이슨(James Dyson)다이슨 창업자비틀즈 이후 최고의 영국 수출품 만든 남자 VOCA1. lift 엘리베이터, 승강기Are you taking the lift? 2. come out 출시되다, 생산되다When's it coming out? 3. capability [key-puh-BIL-i-tee] 기능, 능력, 역량I think she has the capabilities to handle all that work. 4. point 요점, 의견I'm sorry. I just don't understand what point you are trying to make. ..

PODO/수업 2025.01.08

Level 5 _ Episode 09 GM CEO Mary Barra

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With GM CEO Mary BarraMary BarraChairman and CEO of General Motors Company 메리배라(Mary Barra)GM 회장위기의 GM 살려...최초 여성 CEO로 새 역사 쓰다 VOCA1. seelf-driving 자율주행의Are you gonna miss driving when self-driving cars take over?2. take over ~보다 더 커지다It's only a matter of time before A.I. takes over and renders millions of people jobless. 3. get behind the wheel 운전하다You shouldn't get ..

PODO/수업 2025.01.07

Level 5 _ Episode 08 Shaq

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With ShaqShaquille O'NealFormer NBA PlayerRing Spokesperson 샤킬 오닐 전 NBA 농구선수전설의 농구선수,기업 전문투자자로 변신하다. VOCA1. go with sth 정하다I think I will go with the seafood pasta. 2. spend (돈을) 쓰다How much did you spend on that? 3. advice 조언Do you have any advice on how I can pass my exam? 4. rip sth in half 반으로 가르다, 찢는다If you have $100, rip it in half, save the 50, spend the 50. 5. s..

PODO/수업 2025.01.06

Level 5 _ Episode 07 BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With BuzzFeed CEO Jonah PerettiJonah PerettiCEO & Founder, BuzzFeed 조나 페레티 버즈피드 창업자종전 언론 문법 파괴..."짤영상도 뉴스가 될 수 있다" 증명 VOCA1. overused 정도에 지나치게 쓰이는, 과용되는Push notifications, overused or just enough? 2. assume [uh-SOOM] ~라고 생각한다, 추정한다I assume you visited London when you went to England. 3. go public 주식을 상장하다The company will go public next week in a bid to gain more capita..

PODO/수업 2025.01.05

Level 5 _ Episode 06 Peggy Johnson

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Peggy JohnsonPeggy JohnsonExecutive Vice President,Business Development at Microsoft 페기 존슨 매직리프 대표(전 Micrisift 비지니스 개발 담당 부사장)여성 공학도 출신 CEO..."다양성에 열러 있어야" VOCA1. powerful 영향력 있는People tend to listen to strong and powerful leaders. 2. inclusive 모두를 수용하고 형평성 있게 아우르는, 포용적인I think we just need create more inclusive environments so every body's voice can be heard. 3. ..

PODO/수업 2025.01.04

Level 5 _ Episode 05 Arianna Huffingtom

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Arianna HuffingtomArianna HuffingtomFounder, Thrive GlobalDirector, Uber 아리아나 허핑턴우버 이사회 의장허핑턴 포스트 창업자,'시끌시끌' 우버 잠재우다 VOCA1. burnout 번아웃I've been suffering from burnout recently and just need to take a break. 2. rekindle [ree-KIN-dl] (감정, 생각 등을) 깨닫다, 다시 불러일으키다It might be a good idea to take a trip together to try and rekindle some of the old romance. 3. profession ..

PODO/수업 2025.01.03

Level 5 _ Episode 04 Levi's CEO and His Connected Jacket

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Levi's CEO and His Connected JacketChip BerghCEO, Levi Strauss 칩 버그(Chip Bergh)리바이스 CEO과거 집착 않고 명품 인수도 불사, 매출 100억불 달성 목표 VOCA1. give away (소문, 정보 등을) 누설하다, 드러나다What gave it away? 어, 뭘 보고 아셨지? 2. tap 가볍게 톡톡 두드리는 행위Could you give him a tap on the shoulder and ask him to trun off his music? 3. sleeve 소매I tore my sleeve on a loose nail on the wall. 4. conductive [kuh..

PODO/수업 2025.01.02