Level 5 _ Episode 04 Levi's CEO and His Connected Jacket
Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Levi's CEO and His Connected Jacket
Chip Bergh
CEO, Levi Strauss
칩 버그(Chip Bergh)
리바이스 CEO
과거 집착 않고 명품 인수도 불사,
매출 100억불 달성 목표
1. give away (소문, 정보 등을) 누설하다, 드러나다
What gave it away? 어, 뭘 보고 아셨지?
2. tap 가볍게 톡톡 두드리는 행위
Could you give him a tap on the shoulder and ask him to trun off his music?
3. sleeve 소매
I tore my sleeve on a loose nail on the wall.
4. conductive [kuhn-DUHK-tiv] (열, 전기 등을) 전도하는, 전도성의
What is the most conductive substance?
5. weave (천, 스웨터 등을) 재봉되다, 짜다
The sweater has been woven using wool.
6. head (특정 방향으로) 가다, 향하다
If oyu want to avoid the traffic then head south and onto the outer ring road.
7. device 장치기기, 장치
My grandfather likes to play aroud with TVs, radios, and other electronic devices.
8. pull off 뽑다, 떼어내다
She painfully pulled off the band-aid.
9. a ways off 갈길이 먼
Our destination is still a ways off so try to get some sleep.
+ What gave it away?
상대방이 무언가를 알아차렸을 때 간혹 속마음이나 비밀을 들켰을 때 쓸 수 있는 표현.
+ Nice talking with you
너랑 대화해서 즐거웠어.라는 뜻으로 대화를 마칠 때 쓰는 표현.
It was nice meeting you. 만나서 반가웠어.(처음 본 사람과 인사하고 헤어질 때)
Discussion Questions
1. Are you interested in clothing brands? Why, why not?
2. What kind of reputation does Levi have as a brand in Korea?
3. What are some of the most popular brands in Korea? What makes them popular?
4. What makes people prefer a specific clothing brand to another one?
5. How often do you wear jeans? What other types of clothes do you like to wear?
6. How has fashion in Korea changed over your lifetime?
7. Do you prefer following fashion trends, being an individual and different, or don't really care? Why?
8. When buying clothes, what are the most important factors to consider (e.g. price, brand, comfort,
9. What do you think about having electronic devices integrated into your clothing?
10. Do you think technology and clothing can easily be connected, or are they too different?