Level 5 _ Episode 06 Peggy Johnson

suna2 2025. 1. 4. 12:30

Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Peggy Johnson

Peggy Johnson
Executive Vice President,
Business Development at Microsoft
페기 존슨 매직리프 대표
(전 Micrisift 비지니스 개발 담당 부사장)
여성 공학도 출신 CEO...
"다양성에 열러 있어야"
1. powerful 영향력 있는
People tend to listen to strong and powerful leaders.
2. inclusive 모두를 수용하고 형평성 있게 아우르는, 포용적인
I think we just need create more inclusive environments so every body's voice can be heard.
3. vastly 대단히, 엄청나게
Her test scores have vastly improved over a year.
4.executive (기업이나 조직의) 경영진, 운영 간부
He used to be an excutive at Microsoft.
5. stack 묶음, 무더기
She has a stack of books in the corner of her room that she naver reads.

+ hands down
망설이지 않고, 쉽게, 수월하게 등으로 설명될 수 있는 표현.
의문점이 들지 않고 확실하게 이것이다 할 때 쓰임.
두 개 중 고르라고 하는 말에 "당연히, @@으로 고민 없이."라는 말로 "@@, hands down."이라고 말한다.
+ No comment
"노코멘트 할게"라는 표현으로 한국에서도 많이 쓰이는데, 민감한 사항에 대해 말을 아낄 때 사용.
답변하지 않고 넘어가려는 의도로 사용할 수 있다.

Discussion Questions

1. In Korea, are there many females working in tech? What about other industries?
2. In your office (or previous place of work/study), where are there more males or females? Why do
you think this?
3. What is your experience of using Microsoft products in general (e.g. MS Office)?
4. Do you think Microsoft has played a significant role in shaping the way people use computers?
5. What are some of the most popular games in Korea? Why are they so popular?
6. Do you enjoy playing any games? If so, do you like mobile games, PC or consoles? Why?
7. What are some advantages and disadvantages of a growing gaming culture?
8. How do video games contribute to social interactions? Can they be a way to connect with others?
9. What hobbies did you have when you were younger?
10. How have your hobbies changed throughout your life?
