Title: WSJ In the Elevator With Intel's CEO Brian Krzanich
Brian Krzanich
CEO, Intel
브라이언 크르자니크
전 인텔 CEO
'위기의 인텔' 구원투수..
미래 먹거리 발굴
1. mind 신경쓰다, 언짢아하다
Do you mind if I ask you a question or a couple questions?
2. thingy[THING-ee] (명창이 기억나지 않는 물건) ~것
Desktop, or laptop, or laptop table thingy?
3. transition[tran-ZISH-uhn] 전환하다, 바꾸다
It's going to transition computers completely.
4. some to (기회, 사람 등이 우연히) 찾아오다, 일어나다
What's the most exciting thing coming smart phones in the next few years?
5. augmented reality[AWG-men-tuhd REE-al-i-tee] 증강현실
Playing Pokemon Go is probably the only time I've ever used augmented reality.
6. ambitious (일이) 야심적인, 어마어마한
What's the most ambitions thing Intel's working on?
7. work on ~에 노력을 들이다, 착수하다
What's the most ambitious thing Intel's working on?
8. solve (문제, 곤경을) 해결하다
It's gonna solve the world's mysteries.
9. doubt[dout] 믿지 않다, 의심스러워 하다
I doubt it.
10. pitch (사업, 아이디어)를 제안하다, 소개하다
Can you pitch your idea to me over lunch?
11. come into contact with 접하다, 접촉하다
She had to quarantine because she came into contact with someone who has COVID.
12. (computer) chip (컴퓨터)칩
I'm looking for a com puter with latest computer chip technology.
13. clean up 깨끗이 청소하다
Clean up after me.
14. slob 게으름뱅이, 칠칠맞지 못한 사람
I'm just a slob.
+ do you mind
상대방에게 허락이나 양해를 구할 때 자주 쓰는 표현이다.
+ for sure
'확실히, 당연하지'와 같은 뜻을 가진 표현이다.
+ the number onr thing
'첫 번째로, 제일, 우선적으로'와 같은 의미를 갖고 있어서 우선순위를 정할 때 유용하다.
Safety is the number one thing in the factory.
Discussion Questions
1. What qualities and skills do you think are necessary for someone to become the CEO of a company?
2. Which do you prefer for everyday tasks: a desktop, a laptop, or a tablet? Why?
3. Do you think most people use a desktop, laptop, or tablet? Why?
4. What qualities do you believe people consider important when buying electronics like smartphones or laptops?
5. In the future, what kind of devices do you think most people will use?
6. Can you recall any fascinating or 'crazy' technologies from the past that amazed you?
7. In your opinion, which company do you consider a powerhouse in the technology industry, and why?
8. Can you think of any examples where a smaller company experienced quick growth?
9. Do you usually buy a new product as soon as it is released, or do you prefer to wait? Can you think of any examples?
10. Do you think it's important to always have the newest products available? Why, why not?
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